Major projects include:

·        Implementation of the communication system  (remote banking) for La Caixa, one of the principal Spanish banks. Budget 6 MU$.


·         Implementation of corporate communications infrastructure serving 8000 staff in EMEA (Russia, Poland, Germany, UK, France, Italy, Iberia, Middle East, South Africa) in   multinational and multicultural environments, project included implementation of  data and voice communications services and infrastructure, civil works, related  M&E infrastructures, etc. Budget 18 MU$.


·         Implementation of the communications system for the Civil Air Traffic Control in Slovakia, Germany, Czech Republic, budget 25 MU$. System included data network and the flight control data center.


·         Implementation of the internet infrastructure for Telekomunikacja Polska SA (Polish Telco),  budget 20 MU$.


·         Management of the IT cost reduction program in Iberia- through outsourcing, resource centralization, WAN optimization, with annual saving of 2 MU$ and achieving users satisfaction growth from 78 to 92%.


·         Virtual network management systems for the major Spanish banks (BBVA, LA Caixa, Caja Madrid).


·         Large X.25 and SDH  networks for  electrical companies (Electra de Viesgo, REE)


·         Communication X.25 system for AENA - Civil flight authority in Spain.


·         Wireless subscriber loop (first in Spain) for the second telephony operator (Red Eléctrica de España, Optel, Retevision).